Joker Poker Royal Flush 250 RF 4700 5 of a Kind 200 5X 1000 Royal Flush (with Joker) 100 RFW 500 Straight Flush 50 SF 250 4 of a Kind 20 4X 100 Full House 7 FH 35 Flush 5 FL 25 Straight 3 ST 15 3 of a Kind 2 3X 10 2 Pair 1 2P 5 Kings or better 1 1P 5 PAYOFFS Kings or better - Triple Bonus Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 Straight Flush 50 SF 250 4 ACES 240 4A 1200 4 Fours 120 44 600 4 Threes 120 43 600 4 Deuces 120 42 600 4 of a Kind 75 4X 375 Full House 10 FH 50 Flush 7 FL 35 Straight 4 ST 20 3 of a Kind 3 3X 15 2 Pair 1 2P 5 Kings or better 1 1P 5 PAYOFFS Jacks or better - Double Bonus Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 Straight Flush 50 SF 250 4 ACES 160 4A 800 4 Fours 80 44 400 4 Threes 80 43 400 4 Deuces 80 42 400 4 of a Kind 50 4X 250 Full House 10 FH 50 Flush 7 FL 35 Straight 4 ST 20 3 of a Kind 3 3X 15 2 Pair 1 2P 5 Jacks or better 1 1P 5 PAYOFFS Jacks or better - Bonus Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 Straight Flush 50 SF 250 4 ACES 80 4A 400 4 Fours 40 44 200 4 Threes 40 43 200 4 Deuces 40 42 200 4 of a Kind 25 4X 125 Full House 8 FH 40 Flush 5 FL 25 Straight 4 ST 20 3 of a Kind 3 3X 15 2 Pair 2 2P 10 Jacks or better 1 1P 5 PAYOFFS Jacks or better Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 Straight Flush 50 SF 250 4 of a Kind 25 4X 125 Full House 9 FH 45 Flush 6 FL 30 Straight 4 ST 20 3 of a Kind 3 3X 15 2 Pair 2 2P 10 Jacks or better 1 1P 5 PAYOFFS 7's Wild Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 4 Sevens 200 47 1000 Royal Flush (with 7's) 25 RFW 125 5 of a Kind 15 5X 75 Straight Flush 10 SF 50 4 of a Kind 4 4X 20 Full House 3 FH 15 Flush 2 FL 10 Straight 2 ST 10 3 of a Kind 1 3X 5 PAYOFFS "Setup" ArchiveCredits BackColor Black BonusCredits CardBack CardDistributionCounts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ConfigurationNBPage DealSpeed GameChangeResetCredits GameName Jacks or better GameNameCount GameWindowState Maximized HintText HighCredits InstallCredits InstallDate 19960630 LogHands LowCredits NormalHeight NormalHorizontalResolution NormalLeft NormalTop NormalWidth ProgressiveContribution ProgressiveValue RandomSound RMB_Active SoundOption StatisticsOnExit TimeStamp 1.00 19960630 23:44 UnitsMax Deuces Wild Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 4 Deuces 200 42 1000 Royal Flush (with Deuces) 25 RFW 125 5 of a Kind 15 5X 75 Straight Flush 9 SF 45 4 of a Kind 5 4X 25 Full House 3 FH 15 Flush 2 FL 10 Straight 2 ST 10 3 of a Kind 1 3X 5 PAYOFFS Deuces Deluxe Royal Flush 300 RF 4000 4 Deuces 200 42 1000 Straight Flush 50 SF 250 Royal Flush (with Deuces) 20 RFW 100 5 of a Kind 15 5X 75 4 of a Kind (no Deuces) 10 4N 50 Straight Flush (with Deuces) 8 SFW 40 4 of a Kind (with Deuces) 4 4X 20 Full House 4 FH 20 Flush 3 FL 15 Straight 2 ST 10 3 of a Kind 1 3X 5 PAYOFFS Deuces & Joker Wild 4 Deuces & Joker 1000 02 10000 Royal Flush 250 RF 4000 4 Deuces 25 42 125 Straight Flush 25 SF 125 Royal Flush (Wild) 12 RFW 60 5 of a Kind 9 5X 45 Straight Flush (Wild) 6 SFW 30 4 of a Kind 3 4X 15 Full House 3 FH 15 Flush 3 FL 15 Straight 1 ST 5 3 of a Kind 1 3X 5 PAYOFFS